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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Interactive control of a Sony Betamax video recorder (model SLO-320) by means of a personal computer (TRS-80 or Apple II) to form a low cost computer-aided instructional system.
BYTE Jul 1980 (v.5#7) pg. 116

Tip on controlling the POWER and RECORD buttons on a VCR using a universal RF (radio frequency) remote control that is activated by an X-10 module.
ELECTRONIC HOUSE Aug 1996 (v.11#4) pg. 58

Automatic power switch turns your TV receiver on whenever the VCR is turned on. Useful when using the VCR as the channel tuner.

Getting the most from your video recorder. A versatile distribution system uses splitters to feed signals from your antenna to either VCR or TV. Using the right splitters will improve images.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1980 (v.20#4) pg. 65

Tip on protecting the tape slot of your VCR by fitting it with an acrylic cover held in place with Velcro.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #388 May 1998 (v.48#5) pg. 99

Build this wireless remote pause control for your VCR. Use a flashlight to activate and shut off from anywhere in a typical room. Est. cost: $10.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1984 (v.1#1) pg. 80

Dual video amplifier. Allows you to use two VCR's with one TV receiver/monitor and dub from one VCR to the other (using direct audio and video inputs) without swapping cables or flipping switches. Est. cost: $25.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1986 (v.3#8) pg. 36
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1986 (v.3#10) pg. 5

Build your own 2-wheel cart for hauling portable video gear around and getting it into and out of a station wagon without damage.
PHOTOMETHODS Dec 1977 (v.20#12) pg. 26

Build an automatic power switch that powers up your TV monitor whenever your VCR is turned on.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1992 (v.9#11) pg. 43

Extra-long turn-on delay (one or two weeks) for an electrical device can be achieved by combining this video-signal detector circuit with almost any VCR.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1994 (v.11#12) pg. 30

Circuit activates a relay when a video signal is detected. Used to turn on a manually-operated TV receiver when a VCR does not have a switched AC receptacle.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1996 (v.13#5) pg. 74

Build this video sync stabilizer. Eliminate the vertical roll problem encountered when some older VCR's are mated to a newer TV receiver. Est. cost: $65.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1982 (v.53#1) pg. 45

Build this automatic commercial editor for your VCR. Part 1. Tape black-and-white late-night movies without commercials by means of this device which detects color commercials and stops the recorder.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1982 (v.53#12) pg. 43
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1983 (v.54#2) pg. 20

Build this automatic commercial editor for your VCR. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1983 (v.54#2) pg. 57

Color processor/noise filter video accessory. Use to create professional fades, reduce noise, and correct color errors in video recordings. Est. cost: $139.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1983 (v.54#12) pg. 49

Macro-Scrubber. Build this stabilizer to "clean up" pre-recorded video tapes that use the "Macrovision" copy-protection scheme.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1987 (v.58#12) pg. 49, 71
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1988 (v.59#4) pg. 16
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1988 (v.59#7) pg. 14
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.59#8) pg. 12
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1988 (v.59#11) pg. 14

Audio video revisited. Constructing a tweeter/woofer loudspeaker combination using shielded drivers for use with a hi-fi VCR.
SPEAKER BUILDER 6/1998 [Oct 1998] (v.19#6) pg. 12